7th International on the Physiology & Acoustics of Singing Conference




Franklin Method for Voice:
The Art of Change
Mastrian, Stacey

Vibrato characteristics across
genres over the years
Brandner, Manuel

Time-synchronized observation of pelvic floor, abdomen, and thorax during singing using MRI – a feasibility study
Mayr, Michaela

Vocal Folds as Acoustical Barrier between Subglottal Region and Vocal Tract: An Impedance Study
Hoyer, Patrick

The Case for Acoustic Registers
Bozeman, Kenneth

The Key To Singing Off Key: The Trained Singer and Pitch Perception Distortion
Kervin, Sarah

The relationship between individual voice matching preferences in vocal duos and the corresponding voice spectrum envelope
Ternström, Sten

Women Singing Through Midlife and the
Menopausal Transition
Bozeman, Joanne

Rock and Metal Singers: Are they really loud and powerful?
An overview of rock voice production
Fiuza, Mauro

Singing Voice Teaching in 2022: Where are We?

Singing Voice Teaching in 2022: We've are We?
An improvised non-scientific study
Meyer, David

DIY demo Harmonic-Formant interactions with a flow source

DIY demo Harmonic-Formant interactions
with a flow source
Peter Pabon
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